Obedience Training

WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
St. Paul Dog Training Club is happy to be welcoming students back!
St Paul Dog Training Club strives to promote strong relationships between dogs /and their owners as well as help develop an understanding of how dogs learn, utilizing the best training practices. Starting with the puppies; socialization, manners, confidence building, and basic skills are taught utilizing fun and positive training methods. As the dogs move through each class, both obedience and rally, they follow a solid progression of skills strengthening both the relationship and dog management skills.
Advanced obedience classes at SPDTC are for people who want to go beyond the basics and learn more about training. These classes can prepare you for competition if that is of interest or just help deepen the bond between you and your dog. Each of the classes corresponds to a specific competitive level but does not require that you are competing at that level. You can learn more about AKC obedience on the AKC website.
Additional outcomes of our classes may even lead to new hobbies and opportunities!
The cost is $15 a class or you may purchase a package of 10 classes for $120. These credits are good for a full year and may be used in any of our drop-in classes. Click here to Purchase a package of 10 credits that will be used to pay for drop in classes.
Click on the class name in the list of Upcoming Classes to register prior to the class, in order to participate.
Drop In Classes
Drop in classes are $15 a class or you may purchase a package of 10 classes for $120. These credits are good for a full year and will be used to pay for drop in classes.
Purchase package of 10 that will be used to pay for drop in classes.
To register for a specific class, click on the class name in the list below and you will be taken to the class portal. Pre Registration is required in order to participate in class.
Upcoming Classes
Upcoming Run Thrus
For more information about any of our classes, please email us at obedience@spdtc.com.
Puppy Einstein
During this 6-week class you will be introduced to a variety of ideas concerning positive motivation with a focus on play, praise and treats. This class is for puppies age 8 weeks to 16 weeks. You will learn socialization, motivation, and preliminary obedience. Additional topics include house-breaking, chewing, biting, jumping, shyness and more. Your puppy will be evaluated for the AKC Star Puppy Certificate. For this class you will need your own soft small treats, a buckle collar, a soft or favorite toy and a 6-foot leash.
Cost: $160 for 6-week class.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and to pre-register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
For more information, please email us at obedience@spdtc.com.
Puppy Etiquette
This class is a 6-week class for puppies and is the bridge between Puppy Class and Beginner Obedience, in this class you and your young dog will learn to enjoy walking together on a leash, and the general obedience positions like sit, down and stand and recall as well as general household manners. No pre-requisite, ages are 16 weeks to 24 weeks so if you miss the age cut off for puppy, this is your starting point!
Cost: $160 for 6-week class.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and pre-register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
For more information, please email us at obedience@spdtc.com.
Competition Puppy Obedience
Want to build a winning Obedience dog right from the ground up? Here’s where you start. Our Competition Puppy class is an in depth, two section journey that will guide you on your start to the Nationals. Or, if that’s not your goal, you’ll still build a dog that will be a joy to show and have in your family.
This course, developed by Trainer Claudia Roberto, combines successful methods drawn from several nationally known trainers and seminar presenters. It’s a hands-on result driven small group environment that will get you going with skills that will support your Obedience goals and a relationship with your new puppy that will benefit every facet of your life.
Because it is designed for current and future Obedience handler, prior obedience training and show experience is desired. But, if you have never trained and shown a dog but want to join the sport with the best possible head start, talk to the Director of Training or Class Instructor for details. Puppies should be at least 14 weeks and no more than 26 weeks of age. The younger, the better. This class is only offered when there is sufficient interest. Class size is limited to 5 handlers.
Cost: $160 for an 8-weeks.
For more information on Competition Puppy contact Claudia.
Beginner Obedience Level 1
This is an 8-week class for dogs six months of age or older. You and your dog will learn loose leash walking, sits, stays, downs stand and recalls. The class helps you build a positive relationship with your dog and sets teams up for long-term success.
Note: we remind you when you are at the facility to keep your leashes tight and don’t let your dog wander. While you may have a well socialized dog another new student may not. Incidental contact may bring out the worst natural instincts in your or other’s dogs with severe consequences. Be aware of your dog at all times and be a responsible owner by maintaining a short least.
Cost: $170 for 8 weeks.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and pre-register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
For more information, please email us at obedience@spdtc.com.
Beginner Obedience Level 2
*Pre-Requisite of Beginner Obedience Level 1 or instructor/director approval. This is an 8-week class for dogs six months of age or older. You and your dog will further your work on loose leash walking, sits, stays, downs stand and recall off leash. The class helps you build a positive relationship with your dog and sets teams up for long-term success. Week 8 will be a AKC Canine Good Citizen Test (additional cost of $20.00).
Note: we remind you when you are at the facility to keep your leashes tight and don’t let your dog wander. While you may have a well socialized dog another new student may not. Incidental contact may bring out the worst natural instincts in your or other’s dogs with severe consequences. Be aware of your dog at all times and be a responsible owner by maintaining a short least.
Cost: $170 for 8 weeks.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and pre-register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
For more information, please email us at obedience@spdtc.com.
Beginner Intermediate Obedience Classes
Pre-Requisite: Graduation from Beginner Obedience or instructor approval, you can pre-register here. The Intermediate class reinforces and perfects what you have learned in the Beginner class. New skills include longer off-leash recalls, stays and more advanced heeling.
Cost: $150 for 8 weeks.
Intermediate Obedience Classes
Pre-Requisite: Completion of the Beginner Intermediate Class. Drop-in classes are $15 each or you may purchase a package here. The Intermediate class reinforces and perfects what you have learned in the Beginner class. New skills include longer off-leash recalls, stays and more advanced heeling. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS ONLINE BEFORE ARRIVING FOR CLASS! Click here to pre-register.
For more information, please email us at obedience@spdtc.com.
Cost: $150 for 8 weeks
Click here to see the upcoming classes and pre-register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
Drop in classes post graduation of a 8 week class/or instructor approval $15.00 or $120 for a package of ten drop in classes. YOU MUST PRE REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS ONLINE BEFORE ARRIVING FOR CLASS! Click here to pre register.
This is the next level of training and the starting point for entry level showing (this is preparatory for the Beginner Novice Dog Title). The focus is on preparing a dog and handler for Heeling, recalls, hand signal discrimination and proper positions. You will learn to be a team with your dog and also help you prepare for showing if you desire. The class includes advanced heeling (some off leash), stay on command, recalls, and some preliminary open exercises. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS ONLINE BEFORE ARRIVING FOR CLASS! Click here to pre-register.
Cost: $15 a class or 1 credit. Credits can be purchased in a package of 10 for $120
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
This class includes advanced heeling skills, jumping, retrieving, stand for exam, drop on recall, command discrimination and controlling your dog from a distance. It prepares students who want to compete in Open classes or those who want to establish a strong relationship with their dog. Prerequisite for this class is instructor approval or an completion of an approved Open Skills Class or completion of AKC CD Title with handler and dog knowledge of the OPEN exercises.
Open class moves on to more advanced heeling skills, adding jumping, retrieving, and controlling your dog from a distance to eliminate failures in the ring. This class suits handler wanting to achieve a Companion Dog Excellent title. The instructor applies thought provoking and fresh ideas along with tried-and-true methods. YOU MUST PRE REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS ONLINE BEFORE ARRIVING FOR CLASS! Click here to pre register.
Cost: $15 a class or 1 credit. Credits can be purchased in a package of 10 for $120.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
Open Skills Class
This is an 8-week class and is intended for dogs and handlers that are looking for the development of the fundamental skills necessary for the open exercises. Focus will be placed on introducing the formal take and hold, retrieve, broad jump, high jump, command discrimination, and stand stays. On completion of the fundamentals a dog and handler should be ready to smoothly transition to the Open class.
Cost: $160.00 for a 8-weeks.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
Utility Skills 1
This class requires instructor permission to participate as well as availability of class size. Class is limited in size to 6. This class is for students who are already competing in the Utility Class and will focus on the Utility exercises of signals, articles, gloves, moving stand, directed jumping. The instructor will present many new ideas for the exercises as well reinforce handling skills for consistent success in the show ring.
Cost: $160.00 for 8 weeks.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
Utility Skills 2
This class requires instructor approval prior to registration and is limited to 6 students, this class is for students that are beginning work on the Utility exercises of signals, articles, gloves, moving stand, and directed jumping. The goal of this class is to help prepare students to show in the Utility ring in the future by having the necessary foundation skills in which to proceed on that journey.
Cost: $160.00 for 8 weeks.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
Preparation for AKC Canine Good Citizen Test
This is a two-session class reviewing the ten skills required for the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test, teams will leave prepared to take the AKC CGC Test. Pre-Requisite: Proof of Completion of a Beginner Class in Obedience.
Cost: $40 for two one-hour sessions.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
Rally Introduction
This class includes an introduction to all the signs in rally, and is for beginner, and intermediate handlers.
Cost: $125 for a five-weeks of classes.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.
Rally Intermediate
This class is a continuation of the Rally Introduction and provides a more comprehensive coverage of all the AKC Rally Signs, as well as prepares a team for entry into the Rally Ring.
Cost: $125 for a five-weeks.
Click here to see the upcoming classes and register online and pay via PayPal/Credit Card.